304.533.6844 mbrown@wvprn.com


The West Virginia Pharmacist Recovery Network (WVPRN) is a 501C3 non-profit organization commissioned by the West Virginia Board of Pharmacy in July 2003. The Board formally appointed an Executive Director on January 2, 2004.The purpose of the WVPRN is to provide a peer reviewed service for pharmacists, pharmacy interns, pharmacy students and pharmacy technicians that may have substance abuse issues with alcohol or controlled substances or that may have psychiatric issues potentially effecting public safety. The WVPRN provides a 24 hour a day 7days a week phone line for pharmacists, technicians and interns to call when they may need help before the State Board of Pharmacy is forced to intervene.

Anyone suspecting a pharmacist, technician or intern of substance abuse may also call this number to report his or her concerns. All information reported and collected by the WVPRN remains confidential and may not be reported to the Board of Pharmacy unless issues of drug diversion other than self medication is present or if they refuse to enter an agreement with the WVPRN when a problem clearly exists. When a pharmacist, technician or intern enters this program they are allowed to keep their license as long as they meet the agreement requirements per the WVPRN compliance committee. Members of the WVPRN Committee provide peer support and direction. Funding for the WVPRN is part of state licensing fees for pharmacists, technicians and interns.

The WVPRN Committee consists of 9 members, 6 pharmacists, 1 pharmacy technician, and 2 students from the state’s schools of Pharmacy.

Image by NIDA - The brain's reward circuit


• The early identification of the impaired pharmacy professional.

• Outline facilities for evaluation and referral.

• Persuade the impaired pharmacy professional to enter appropriate treatment.

• Monitor the pharmacy professional’s rehabilitation and reentry into the profession.

• Provide education to the pharmacy professionals of West Virginia, about the disease of chemical dependency.

• Promulgate a structured operating procedure.

• Establish a statewide network to work with WVPRN.

• Establish the criteria for training those involved and oversee it.

• Support the Directors by providing information on resources available for treatment and rehabilitation.

• Monitor the progress of each case through reports from the clients, volunteers, counselors, and drug screening agencies.

• Provide continuing education programs that will address the diseases of chemical dependency on an annual basis.


Our mission is to ensure the public safety from impaired pharmacy practice, we endeavor to identify, intervene upon, advocate for, monitor, and provide support, help, and hope to pharmacists, pharmacy interns, students, or pharmacy technicians experiencing addiction or mental health disorders.


“Protecting patients, pharmacists and
families one day at a time”